Friday, May 25, 2018

The promotion

It has been a super long, emotionally draining week.
But just when I thought I can't, I actually can.

I have humbly reached a point in my career I never thought I'd accomplish at 23 years old.
Funnily, it has been a constant topic of conversation between A and I ever since I started this job, I just didn't have enough faith that it will eventually follow through. My superior had more faith in me (than I did in myself), enough to push me up to take over her and that was surprising because I didn't know I had it in me.

For almost 2 months, I was sleepless - my body refused to shut down as I constantly worry if I'm cut out for it. Frequently texted A about self-doubts and incapabilities. And now here I am.

I just want to pen this down so I can come back to this a few months down the road, when I have everything under control, to laugh at my useless worrying and anxiety. There's still much to learn and lots of worries will come along with it, but for now, let's just leave this here while I enjoy my glorious piece of cheesy pizza.

Warm regards,
Ms Sabrina

Hehe ;)

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